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How to Set Up Contacts to Be Used for Application Support

Table of Contents

The purpose of this article is to explain how to set up contacts that will be used for application support.

Setting up a contact email #

Once you log in to the application, select “System” on the left side menu, and choose “Settings and customization” from the drop-down menu.

Navigate to the “Support” tab.

You will need to fill in the following fields to contact system support from the home page successfully:

  1. Purpose of mail – Describe the purpose of an email and phone call.
  2. Email – Provide the desired support email address. The first “Email” field is mandatory, and it will be the default email address.
  3. Phone number – Provide the desired support phone number.
  4. Additional info text– Here, you can provide useful details about why you contacted the support. For example, what is the expected time for an email response to the customer’s issues or business hours when support is available, etc?
  5. Confirm – Save the changes.
  6. Cancel – Delete everything entered before saving.

You can add up to 3 contacts for users to select from. However, it is required to have one support contact configured.

For a video tutorial on how to set up contacts, please watch the video.

For more related instructional materials, please visit:

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