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How to Configure Test Retake Attempts

This article provides a comprehensive guide on enabling test retakes, setting the time required between attempts, and establishing a maximum number of test retake attempts. Whether you’re creating a new test or modifying existing ones, this article will walk you through the process step by step. You can also watch our video on this topic.

Configuring Test Retake Attempts in New Tests #

Start the new test creation using the New Test button in the Manage Tests dashboard.

New Test - Manage tests

In the second step of the test creation wizard (Settings step), you have the option to enable the test retake feature and define parameters such as the maximum number of test attempts and the required time interval between them. To accomplish this, follow these steps:

  1. Check the Allow test retaking option.
  2. Choose between allowing unlimited test retakes or limiting the number of attempts.
  3. Set the time required to pass between each retake attempt, specifying the period in days, hours, and minutes.
  4. Define a timeframe within which students can retake the test. For instance, if set to 2 days, retakes can only occur within the following two days after the initial attempt.
  5. Allow candidates who have failed the test to retake it, while the retake option won’t be available for those who have passed it.
  6. Set a limited number of free reschedules that users can utilize. After using up these free reschedules, users must send a rescheduling request.
  7. Users can cancel and reschedule, even if the deadline has expired, but they will be required to send a rescheduling request.

Pause, retake and reschedule settings

Configuring Test Retake Attempts in Published Tests #

You can adjust the retake settings at any time, regardless of whether your test is in draft or published status. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the Tests in the main menu and select Manage Tests.
  2. Choose the desired test, and in the Settings tab, navigate to the Pause, retake, and Reschedule settings tab in the sidebar menu.
  3. Enable the Allow test retaking option and configure the specific retake options as needed
  4. Click the Save button to confirm the changes.

Pause, retake and reschedule settings - published

For video instructions on how to allow and configure test retakes, you may watch this video.

For more related instructional material, please watch:

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