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Automated Updates for Questions in Manually Created Tests

Users can effortlessly edit questions within the question pool, choosing whether the revised question should be updated in the test or left as is. Every question update results in a new test version, enhancing flexibility in managing test content.

Accessing the page #

To access the page, do the following:

  1. Select the Tests/Manage tests tab.
  2. Select the desired test.
  3. Select the Questions tab and scroll down to the Test versions title.

Generate updated versions #

The action for generating a new version with active questions can be performed only on a version with inactive questions.

After selecting the Generate updated version option, a pop-up dialog will display the latest versions of questions. Select the Create button to generate a new test version.

You will also be presented with the following options:

  1. Rename – Modify the name of the test version for better identification.
  2. Edit test’s version unique code – Update the code assigned to the test version for organizational purposes.
  3. Copy – Duplicate the test version, creating an identical copy for further modifications or comparison.
  4. Archive – Move the test version to an archived status, preserving its data without active use.

After selecting the Show archived versions filter, a new column will appear, enabling you to filter versions with a Yes/No option.

Click the View option to preview the list of questions within the selected version.

Note: Candidates added to a test before updating it with active questions won’t receive the newly activated questions. However, if candidates are added after the update or if the test attempt is reset, they will get the version with active questions.

Test versions can be updated from the Predefined reports/Test reports/Outdated tests versions tab. You can seamlessly update the test version with the active questions from there by selecting the Update option from the Actions column.

When you select the Update option, a pop-up dialog will appear, allowing you to preview the active questions for the selected version. Click the Create button to update the test version with the active questions.

You also have the option to update multiple test versions simultaneously by selecting the Update selected versions button.

In the pop-up dialog, you’ll see a list of active questions in the available versions. Use the drop-down menu to choose a test version for previewing its active questions. Once you click the Create button, all selected versions will be automatically updated with active questions, and versions with inactive questions will be stored in the archive.

Here, you can also select the Show archived versions filter, where a new column will appear, enabling you to filter versions with a Yes/No option.

Note: Automatic question updates can be performed on manually created Published and Draft tests.

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