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The Ultimate Guide for Organizing a Test in YouTestMe

If organizing a test for your candidates sounds like an overwhelming experience, and you’d like to have all instructions in one place, this article is here to help. This comprehensive guide includes instructions on test organization, user management, notifications, test registration, publishing, reminders, report management, and certificate distribution. No matter your workflow, these guidelines will help you efficiently navigate the application’s features and streamline your testing process.

How to Create Users in the Application #

To get started with managing users in the application, you have several options available:

  1. Single Sign-On (SSO): Enable SSO to allow users to log in using their existing credentials from another system.
  2. Open Registration: Allow users to register themselves by providing their information. They can create an account and access the application.
    1. Enrol in Group via Link: Users can join a specific group by following a provided link.
  3. User Import via Excel: You can import multiple users at once by uploading an Excel file containing their details.
    1. Note that they can import them directly into a group if needed.
  4. Creating User Profiles One by One: Alternatively, you can manually create user profiles individually.

How to Notify Users Their Profile is Created #

If you enter candidate profiles into the system and want them to receive an email notification about their profile creation, you can enable this feature. However, if you prefer not to send additional notifications apart from the test invitation (explained in the following chapters), you can skip this option.

Here are the steps to enable and customize the notification:

  1. How to Enable and Trigger This Notification
  2. How to Customize a Specific Notification
  3. How to View and Manage the List of Sent Email Notifications

For more information on checking the mail server and sent emails, please refer to this link: Checking the Mail Server and Sent Emails.

How to Register Users to Take the Test #

Depending on your preferred workflow, you can choose one of the following options to register users for the test:

  • Self-Booking: Users can enter the system themselves and choose the test they want to take along with their preferred starting time (booking the testing session).
  • Manual Assignment: You can manually assign users to specific test sessions according to your requirements.

Additional options to make the registration process more efficient include:

  1. Importing Candidates into the Session from an Excel File.
  2. Filtering Users by Group Membership.
  3. Handpicking Users for a Testing Session.

Publishing Tests and Notifying candidates #

Once the test is ready to be made available to candidates, you need to publish it and notify them. Here’s what you need to know:

In case new candidates need to be notified after the test has already been published, there are instructions available for that scenario too. You can find more information about checking the mail server and sent emails in the provided link.

How to Setup Reminders #

To ensure candidates don’t miss their testing sessions, you can set up reminders for upcoming and expiring sessions. Here’s how:

How to Start the Test #

There are multiple ways to initiate the test for users:

  1. Directly from Email Notification: Users can start the test by clicking on the provided link in their email notification.
  2. From Another System via LTI: Integration with another system allows users to access the test from there.
  3. From the Application: Users can log in to the application and start the test from their dashboard.
  4. From the Testing Session Link: Users can start the test by accessing the specific testing session link provided.

Reports & Certificates #

Once users have completed the test, you can manage their test results and certificates using the following instructions:

For more information on assigning certificates to users in bulk via Excel importer, refer to this link: Assign Certificates to Users in Bulk via Excel Importer.

Report distribution #

To distribute test reports, you have the following options:

  • Immediate: Deliver reports to users immediately after their completion.
  • On Specific Date: Deliver reports to users immediately after their completion.

To access the personal report, use these instructions:

You can also Notify Candidates of Results via Email with a Report Link .

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