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How to Create a Group Manager Security Role

This article explains the existing default roles in the system and how to create a new, custom group manager security role.

Accessing the page #

To access the Roles and permissions page, hover over Users in the main menu and select Roles and permissions. 

Predefined roles #

There are four default roles in the system:

  1. Administrator – A role with all permissions in the system that can fully access and manage all application modules.
  2. Instructor – A role with higher-level permissions than a regular user, instructors can manage their groups, question pools, tests, and reports, while only previewing the content not managed by them.
  3. Student – A primary user who can take assigned tests, surveys, training courses, and view/print personal certificates.
  4. Proctor – Proctors can monitor candidate progress on tests and supervise them in real time.

Creating a group manager security role #

To create a new, custom role using permissions:

  1. Click the New role button.
  2. Enter the role name.
  3. Enter the external ID (optional).
  4. Enter a description (optional).
  5. Select the permissions you want the group manager to have. We suggest choosing permissions from 23 to 26. Permission 1 is selected by default.
  6. Click the Save button.

Assigning the group manager role to users #

Once you create a group manager role, you can assign it to the user:

  1. Open a profile of the user to whom you want to assign a group manager role.
  2. In the Information tab, select Account information from the side menu.
  3. Change the user’s role by selecting Group manager from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click the Save button.

group manager security role

For a video tutorial on how to create a user group manager role, please watch the video.

For more useful instructional materials, please visit:

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