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Exam Session Management with Candidate Service Representative Role

The Candidate Service Representative or Test Organizer manages exam sessions based on purchased exams.

A testing session is an organizational unit and includes important details, such as availability, deadlines, authorization, and payment.

The CSR sets the testing session availability, considers suitable student times, and creates a session calendar.

Furthermore, session instructions can be included and emailed to candidates upon booking.

Exam Settings and Exam Session Management #

The YTM system allows flexibility in setting up testing sessions, enabling CSR to determine the time range and the required number of proctors based on the number of sessions and candidates. Additionally, they collaborate with proctors to ensure that the optimal number of proctors is assigned to each session. Furthermore, they can choose whether candidates can book their sessions independently, pay for them, or receive free sessions. CSR can manually add candidates to free sessions or transfer them to sessions at different times if necessary.

Candidates who purchase an exam session receive authorization for that particular exam. This means that candidates with authorization can select a session time to take the exam, while those without authorization can only book sessions where authorization is not required. CSR plays a critical role in determining whether authorization is necessary. In most cases, CSR determines whether candidates need authorization when the payment system is external. This helps maintain the integrity of the exam process and ensures that only authorized candidates take the exam.

To see the process of booking and cancelation from a student’s perspective, please check this video.

Upon completion of setting up testing sessions, CSR specifies the exam’s guidelines and protocols for candidates. The candidates receive this information either via email or in the session instructions sent when they book their exam.

CSR sets up exam notifications, including bookings, cancelations, and reminders.

Notifications are available in multiple languages and can be managed by CSR.

For additional information, please check the following materials:

Exam Support #

Throughout the exam sessions, CSR assists students with exam-related queries and concerns. They oversee the smooth running of the session, make changes as required, and address availability questions. Proctors offer technical support during the exam, and CSR collaborates with them to resolve any technical issues.

Exam Verification #

Aside from offering support, the CSR verifies proctors’ reports and rates the candidate’s attempt. This is crucial for clients who require this service.

Following the exam, the CSR reviews the proctor’s report of the candidate’s behavior and decides whether to give a positive or negative rating. Once verified, the rating becomes final, and candidates can view their results.

This added verification ensures a trustworthy final result, in addition to the system and proctor ratings.

Watch this video to see how to send results to an external system using a job scheduler

Conclusion #

CSR manages exam settings and testing sessions, provides support, and verifies proctor reports. They also set up notifications, reminders, and session instructions to keep candidates informed and prepared for exams.

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